Monday, December 30, 2019

19 Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers

19 Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers19 Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job SeekersIf you are thinking about using LinkedIn to search for a job, make koranvers that yur profile represents you in the best way possible.By learning these 19 essential LinkedIn profile tips you are guaranteed to get elendiced and increase profile views.1. Start with a catchy headlineYour headline is the fruchtwein visible piece of information to recruiters and hiring managers which is why this is LinkedIn Profile tip 1.Instead of writing your current job title and company, make aya that you mention the type of job you are looking for and what you bring to the table.Here are a couple of examplesSales professional who has literally traktement ice to an Eskimo.Organized executive assistant specializing in making your life easier.Author/Writer specializing in LinkedIn tips for job seekersFor mora on LinkedIn headlines, check outLinkedIn Headline Ideas That Dont Suck.2. Broaden your locationDo you live in a smaller town next to a large city that you are willing to work in?If so, make aya that you put the closest large city in your location so that you will be easier to find.Thiswill make it easier for job recruiters and hiring managers to find you.3. Add a relevant industryHaving a relevant industry will help recruiters find your LinkedIn profile much easier.4. Customize your URLThis LinkedIn profile tip is often times overlooked for years.Who wants a URL with a bunch of random numbers next to your name?Customizing your URL not only give your profile a cleaner look, it will also help you stand out from the pack.If you havent already, select Profile and click the little gear/cog next to your Profile URL under your picture (do this on a desktop).This will take you to a page where you can customize your URL on the upper right-hand side.Edit your URL so that it is ( Select a professional photoMake sure that your profile photo represents you in a prof essional manner.Smile, face the cameraand try to dress nicely.Take a look at profile photos of others in your industry and see exactly how they are presenting themselves.See 5 Tips For a Perfect LinkedIn Profile Photo.6. Add the background photoA background photo is always a nice touch for your profile.It adds an additional piece of personality and excitement to your professional LinkedIn profile.Recruiters and hiring managers will appreciate you making an effort in your online presence.7. Spice up your summaryThis is your opportunity to show who you really are.It also happens to be one of the most important LinkedIn profile tips of all.The summary is a great section to show off the achievements ofany relevant, industry-specificwork experiences you have.This is also a great section for you to add some personality.Do not be afraid to speak in the first person and speak directly to the hiring manager/recruiter reading your summary.Your summary should be tailored towards your target au dience while telling a story about yourself, your experiences, skills, and achievements.An ideal summary is 3-5 short paragraphs.The summary is agood placeto include your contact info.8. Use relevant experienceA common mistake that job seekers make is putting too much information on their profile.Make sure that if you are applying for an engineering lokalitt you remove your babysitting experience.If you have no relevant work experience, some things you can consider including areRelevantprojectsVolunteerworkexperiences that relate to whatever field you are trying to get intoA recruiter should be able to skim through your LinkedIn and know exactly what you are looking for without being confused by unrelated work experience.9. Add a current job even when youre unemployedIf youre unemployed and your LinkedIn is showing that you have no current job it will be a lot harder for a recruiter to find you.LinkedIn offers a filter when searching for people with the option to look for current, p ast, or current and past professionals in a given industry.In order to save a ton of time, recruiters typically look for current employees.A LinkedIn profile tip to help you get noticed is to add your desired job title such as Executive Assistant or Sales Professional followed by Seeking Opportunities or In Transition in the Company Name box.10. School, work, or projectsSome of you mighthave little to no work experience.In this case, it is extremely important to make up for this with any school or personal projects that relate to your desired job.Just because you have no work experience doesnt mean you dont have any experience to show off.11. Utilize volunteer experienceSome studies show that people who have volunteer experience on his/her LinkedIn profile are 20% more likely to get hired than those who dont.I cant speak to the validity of that statistic, but it definitely cant hurt to add volunteer work if you have it.Volunteer work adds experience and shows a willingness to work w ith others in order to contribute to the community.12. Add multimediaThis LinkedIn profile tip is sure to add some color and style to your profile, making it more enjoyable to look at.Many people fail to utilize the multimedia feature on the LinkedInprofile.Take a look at the profile of someone with multimedia under his or her summary and work experiences and compare it to someone who doesnt.Multimedia can spice up your profile by adding images and showcase some of your work.Add photos, videos, links, and slideshows to your profile.If you dont have any work to show off, just try adding the URL to your company website.13. Strategic skills onlyA common mistake that job seekers make on their LinkedIn is adding way too many skills.Do you really expect a recruiter to believe you have all of those skills?And even if they did, are ALL of them relevant to the type of job you are looking for?Make sure to be strategic with the skills you add.The more skills you add, the fewer endorsements you will get on each skill.Start with 10-20 relevant skills and work your way up.14. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)The skills you add to your profile also play a factor in SEO.But they are not the only things playing a factor.Make sure to review your LinkedIn profile at the end of this article and add any relevant keywords that you think an employer will be usingto find someone for the job.This particular Linkedin profile tip is also very usefulforyour resume.For information on how to use SEO in your resume, read How To Use Resume Keywords When Applying ForJobs.15. Add contact infoThis seems obvious but surprisingly is overlooked a lot.Add your contact info to your profile so that the recruiter can get ahold of you16. Join relevant groupsBy joining groups you will increase your chances of finding someone, or someone finding you for a job.Of course, you will want to be strategic about the groups you join.Join industry-specificgroups and begin networking with other professionals in you r desired role.You might even run into someone thatcan offer you some additional LinkedIn profile tips that we havent mentioned.17. Add interestsAdding interests to your LinkedIn profile allows your viewer to learn a little bit more about you.Who knows, maybe a common interest that you have with the hiring manager will be the little extra push he needed to give you a call.18. Network within your desired industryGroups arent the only way to meet industry-specific people.Once your profile is completed dont be afraid to search LinkedIn for people in your desired industry.Use the search bar at the top to type in your desired job title or industry and then add a filter to view only your second-degree connections.These people have the best chance of accepting your invite since you already have a mutual friend in common.For the inside storyonhow one LinkedIn member went from 100 to 15,000 connections without paying a penny, check out LinkedIn Networking Tips for Job Seekers.19. LinkedIn pr ofile tips for jobseekers summaryAt the end of the day, creating a high-value LinkedIn profile is not easy.There are professionals out there who do this for a living.If you are interested in finding a company to do the work for you, check out our list of the Best LinkedIn Profile Writing Services in America.19 Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job SeekersIf you are thinking about using LinkedIn to search for a job, make sure that your profile represents you in the best way possible.By learning these 19 essential LinkedIn profile tips you are guaranteed to get noticed and increase profile views.1. Start with a catchy headlineYour headline is the most visible piece of information to recruiters and hiring managers which is why this is LinkedIn Profile tip 1.Instead of writing your current job title and company, make sure that you mention the type of job you are looking for and what you bring to the table.Here are a couple of examplesSales professional who has literally sold ice to an Eskimo.Organized executive assistant specializing in making your life easier.Author/Writer specializing in LinkedIn tips for job seekersFor more on LinkedIn headlines, check outLinkedIn Headline Ideas That Dont Suck.2. Broaden your locationDo you live in a smaller town next to a large city that you are willing to work in?If so, make sure that you put the closest large city in your location so that you will be easier to find.Thiswill make it easier for job recruiters and hiring managers to find you.3. Add a relevant industryHaving a relevant industry will help recruiters find your LinkedIn profile much easier.4. Customize your URLThis LinkedIn profile tip is often times overlooked for years.Who wants a URL with a bunch of random numbers next to your name?Customizing your URL not only give your profile a cleaner look, it will also help you stand out from the pack.If you havent already, select Profile and click the little gear/cog next to your Profile URL under your picture (do this o n a desktop).This will take you to a page where you can customize your URL on the upper right-hand side.Edit your URL so that it is ( Select a professional photoMake sure that your profile photo represents you in a professional manner.Smile, face the cameraand try to dress nicely.Take a look at profile photos of others in your industry and see exactly how they are presenting themselves.See 5 Tips For a Perfect LinkedIn Profile Photo.6. Add the background photoA background photo is always a nice touch for your profile.It adds an additional piece of personality and excitement to your professional LinkedIn profile.Recruiters and hiring managers will appreciate you making an effort in your online presence.7. Spice up your summaryThis is your opportunity to show who you really are.It also happens to be one of the most important LinkedIn profile tips of all.The summary is a great section to show off the achievements ofany relevant, industry-specificwork experience s you have.This is also a great section for you to add some personality.Do not be afraid to speak in the first person and speak directly to the hiring manager/recruiter reading your summary.Your summary should be tailored towards your target audience while telling a story about yourself, your experiences, skills, and achievements.An ideal summary is 3-5 short paragraphs.The summary is agood placeto include your contact info.8. Use relevant experienceA common mistake that job seekers make is putting too much information on their profile.Make sure that if you are applying for an engineering position you remove your babysitting experience.If you have no relevant work experience, some things you can consider including areRelevantprojectsVolunteerworkexperiences that relate to whatever field you are trying to get intoA recruiter should be able to skim through your LinkedIn and know exactly what you are looking for without being confused by unrelated work experience.9. Add a current job e ven when youre unemployedIf youre unemployed and your LinkedIn is showing that you have no current job it will be a lot harder for a recruiter to find you.LinkedIn offers a filter when searching for people with the option to look for current, past, or current and past professionals in a given industry.In order to save a ton of time, recruiters typically look for current employees.A LinkedIn profile tip to help you get noticed is to add your desired job title such as Executive Assistant or Sales Professional followed by Seeking Opportunities or In Transition in the Company Name box.10. School, work, or projectsSome of you mighthave little to no work experience.In this case, it is extremely important to make up for this with any school or personal projects that relate to your desired job.Just because you have no work experience doesnt mean you dont have any experience to show off.11. Utilize volunteer experienceSome studies show that people who have volunteer experience on his/her Lin kedIn profile are 20% more likely to get hired than those who dont.I cant speak to the validity of that statistic, but it definitely cant hurt to add volunteer work if you have it.Volunteer work adds experience and shows a willingness to work with others in order to contribute to the community.12. Add multimediaThis LinkedIn profile tip is sure to add some color and style to your profile, making it more enjoyable to look at.Many people fail to utilize the multimedia feature on the LinkedInprofile.Take a look at the profile of someone with multimedia under his or her summary and work experiences and compare it to someone who doesnt.Multimedia can spice up your profile by adding images and showcase some of your work.Add photos, videos, links, and slideshows to your profile.If you dont have any work to show off, just try adding the URL to your company website.13. Strategic skills onlyA common mistake that job seekers make on their LinkedIn is adding way too many skills.Do you really ex pect a recruiter to believe you have all of those skills?And even if they did, are ALL of them relevant to the type of job you are looking for?Make sure to be strategic with the skills you add.The more skills you add, the fewer endorsements you will get on each skill.Start with 10-20 relevant skills and work your way up.14. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)The skills you add to your profile also play a factor in SEO.But they are not the only things playing a factor.Make sure to review your LinkedIn profile at the end of this article and add any relevant keywords that you think an employer will be usingto find someone for the job.This particular Linkedin profile tip is also very usefulforyour resume.For information on how to use SEO in your resume, read How To Use Resume Keywords When Applying ForJobs.15. Add contact infoThis seems obvious but surprisingly is overlooked a lot.Add your contact info to your profile so that the recruiter can get ahold of you16. Join relevant groupsBy joi ning groups you will increase your chances of finding someone, or someone finding you for a job.Of course, you will want to be strategic about the groups you join.Join industry-specificgroups and begin networking with other professionals in your desired role.You might even run into someone thatcan offer you some additional LinkedIn profile tips that we havent mentioned.17. Add interestsAdding interests to your LinkedIn profile allows your viewer to learn a little bit more about you.Who knows, maybe a common interest that you have with the hiring manager will be the little extra push he needed to give you a call.18. Network within your desired industryGroups arent the only way to meet industry-specific people.Once your profile is completed dont be afraid to search LinkedIn for people in your desired industry.Use the search bar at the top to type in your desired job title or industry and then add a filter to view only your second-degree connections.These people have the best chance of accepting your invite since you already have a mutual friend in common.For the inside storyonhow one LinkedIn member went from 100 to 15,000 connections without paying a penny, check out LinkedIn Networking Tips for Job Seekers.19. LinkedIn profile tips for jobseekers summaryAt the end of the day, creating a high-value LinkedIn profile is not easy.There are professionals out there who do this for a living.If you are interested in finding a company to do the work for you, check out our list of the Best LinkedIn Profile Writing Services in America.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Elevator Pitch When to Use it and Why

The Elevator Pitch When to Use it and WhyThe Elevator Pitch When to Use it and WhyAn elevator pitch is a way to help other people shortcut their thinking about you in a way that you guide and approve of. It allows them to understand whats important about you without knowing your life story.The key elements of an elevator pitch are brevity (can be delivered in the time it takes to change floors in an elevator), differentiation and promotion.Why is this so hard to do? It requires you to understand whats special about you, how others perceive that and how to communicate it.Lets break it down into baby steps in the context of a real example.1. What are you?If someone were to slap a label on your professional career, what would it be? Salesperson? Teacher? Project manager? Nurse? Its important to speak in language that others understand. Otherwise they wont remember what you do.Example I have done work in different niches throughout my career (Public Relations,marcom, copywriting, demand generation), but the broad label I would use to describe my career is absatzwirtschaft.2. What makes you different from all the other people with the same label?This doesnt mean that no one else in the world does what you do, but among people in the same occupation what makes you stand out? Another way to look at this is regardless of your profession, what things do you do well?Example I drive efficiency and process everywhere I go. I like to take on new challenges and different projects. Once they start moving smoothly I hand them off and move on.3. Why would this be interesting to someone else?People remember things that are personal to them or that they find interesting. Give people an idea of situations where you would be useful to help them visualize placing you either at their own company or someone elses. Speak to their need, not your own interest.Example Within the world of marketing, I can help people create new programs or refine programs they already have that arent runn ing smoothly.4. Dont forget to tighten and refine.Now that you have the basic structure of your elevator pitch, spend some time tightening and refining it. Aim for a length of 50 words or something you can say in about 20 seconds. Differentiate between the written and verbal versions. Your written example might use higher-level language, whereas your verbal version should use short words and can be less formal.Written Example I excel in creating structure, process and program management for new or failing endeavors. If you are looking for someone to create a marketing program from scratch or troubleshoot and revamp a program that is underperforming, I can help you create order out of chaos.Verbal Example I am a marketing person who adds process and structure to new or failing programs. I can create marketing programs from scratch or revamp programs that arent performing well. When a company needs someone to create order out of chaos, Im the person they call.Once youve got your eleva tor pitch down, practice it until you can recite it in your sleep. Then youll be ready when your moment comes.

Friday, December 20, 2019

This is how you can have a win-win negotiation

This is how you can have a win-win negotiationThis is how you can have a win-win negotiationHeres the truth in order to win the game of life, youmustbe able to persuade.More specifically, you must be able to persuade people to say, Yes.Thats the core, after all, of negotiation?- ?of gaining support for your game-changing idea, your political campaign, or your vision for your company.Negotiation is, in this sense, a matter of inspiring. Of inspiring people on your team to follow you into boardroom battle, of inspiring a client to choose your software solution, or of inspiring your kid to do his chores. Its a matter of making people believe not only inyou, but in the logic of your solution or offer.But the question, of course, ishowexactly to persuade and negotiate so effectively? And even tougher, how do you do it both effectivelyandethically? Because what good is winning if you have to cheat, or lie, or mislead?This is something Ive thought about a lot over the course of my career. A nd Ive learned that there are certain universal strategies and mindsets you can adopt to give you a leg up when you sit down at the bargaining table.Here are a few of the most impactful.Dont focus on yourselfThe first mistake people make when entering into negotiations is giving into the urge to talk primarily about themselves.Its understandable. You want to detail for your listener all the great things youve accomplished, or all the impressive merits of your new idea?- ?why the idea is so powerful.But this is a mistake because, ultimately, people dont care about the idea itself. What they really care about is how the idea benefitsthem. How it might improve their lives or solve a problem for them, their customers, or their constituents.Which is why its better, instead, to listen during negotiationsThis is how youll identify, after all, what it is the person on the other side of the table truly wants.Focusing on that aspect of identification is the fundamental key to winning negotiat ions.It should be your first goal, your first priority?- ?shutting your mouth and striving, instead, to understand what the other person wants from the discussion, what their goals and desires are, and, one step further, why they possess those goals, dreams, and wants.Thats critical context.Why?Well, for one thing, it gives you leverage and, in turn, a certain strategic advantage. It enables you to tailor your messaging in order to illuminate for your listener why agreeing with you or following you is in fact in their best interest?- ?why it might alleviate their fears, solve their problems, or otherwise help them in achieving their goals.This is amuchmore powerful means of approaching critical conversations. The catch is, it requires humility and shutting off the ego. It requires self-awareness and self-regulation. Its harder, but its worth it. It sets you up for success.Which leads to our last step.Once youve listened and identified what the other person wants?- ?andwhy?- ?only th en do you begin negotiatingHeres the truth if people believe you can solve their problems and improve their situation, theyll follow you wherever you want them to go.That means you should only ever begin negotiating?- ?presenting your argument, your idea, etc.?- ?after you have a firm understanding of what inspires the person youre talking to. What matters to them.Equipped with that knowledge, you can design your offering so as to resonate most effectively.The key, again, is prioritizing empathy over pride?- ?listening instead of bragging, seeking to understand instead of making yourself understood.Remember, though this only works if your ambitions are pure and ethical. Everyone will see through you if what youre trying to persuade them of only benefits you and your interests.No, you need to be both empatheticandethical.If you can do that, not only will you become a better negotiator, but a better parent, spouse, and friend, too.This article welches originally published on Quora.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

You increase the risk of depression the more you do this one thing at work

You increase the risk of depression the mora you do this one thing at workYou increase the risk of depression the more you do this one thing at workIs it just you and the office cleaners again? Amerisleep polled 1,188 workers, 90% of which have stayed late at work by at least 15 minutes, and75% say theyve had a job thats asked too much of them.Working late is common and often necessary 66% of employees polled work late sometimes or often.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and morePeople tolerate it to an extent. Respondents consider oneday a week working late and 29 minutes overtime acceptable.Too much more may bum you out.The results of a study published inPLoS ONEin 2012 suggest that people who regularly work more than 11-hour days had over twice the chances of developing major depression, compared to employees who worked about eight hours a day.A full 82% of respondents were asked, or pressured, by a manager to work late. Of those who felt pressure, to work late, 69% felt that their job was at risk if they didnt do it.Work smarter, not longer?You may not even perform your best working late. According to a study, its easier to get stressed in the evening, because your body releases less cortisol the bodys stress hormone in the evening, as opposed to the morning.The culture of working overtime slides into home life. Respondents said working late caused them to break promises to their spouse (56%), friend (55%), or child (48%). Because of working late66% spent less time spent with family61% spent less time spent with spouse53% spent less leisure time at homeResearchers at Cornell Universityfoundthat 10% of employees working more than 50 hours a week had serious issues at home. That percentage rose to 30% when they worked more than 60 hours.Working late had a negative effect on the emotional well-being of 57% of workers, and the physical well-being of 54% of them.A well-knownstudy following over 10,000 civil servants in London found that overtime work is bad for the heart people who worked three or more hours longer than a seven-hour day had a 60% higher risk of heart-related problems such as death due to heart disease, non-fatal heart attacks, and angina.Of course, you dont even want to know what terrible overtime-related malady they have in Japan karoshi, or death from overwork.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from jngste im bunde Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

4 Simple Ways To Get More Responses

4 Simple Ways To Get More Responses4 Simple Ways To Get More ResponsesWhen a particular job opportunity strikes you as more important than the others you came across, what you need to do is step your game upMake sure that resume is customized. Make sure that cover letter speaks directly to the employer.Right. But how do you actually accomplish that?Im going to take the guesswork out of it for you.Heres exactly what you need to do to get more responses for the roles you really wantTheres no reason to make all these changes if no one can see the fantastic results.I talk about how to get maximum visibility for your resume and LinkedIn profile, so you can tap into what the recruiter is thinking, and draw more of the right opportunities to you.Join us for 3 Simple Steps To Cut Your Job Search Time In HALF

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Biggest Myth About What Is a Resume Cover Letter Exposed

The Biggest Myth About What Is a Resume Cover Letter Exposed The What Is a Resume Cover Letter Stories Regardless of what engineering track youre on, your cover letter should highlight problem solving skills and the ability to fulfill quality standards. A fantastic cover letter is your opportunity to prove that you know the reach of the role and the businesss mission. An effective cover letter has to be compelling yet to-the-point to avoid wasting someones time. A cover letter thats composed by means of a rolle for the very first time ought to be carried out so after considering so many facets. Vital Pieces of What Is a Resume Cover Letter Perhaps the most difficult portion of the job application method is writing an effective cover letter. There are lots of standard kinds of resumes and cover letters officecom used to make an application for job openings. For many job seekers, a cover letter plays a considerable role in the application practice. It is an essential part of your job application package and is just as important as your resume while your resume provides a basic summary of your. A cover letter is something which you send, together with your resume when applying for a new job with a new medical care facility, or it may be when applying for a new job at the very saatkorn institution you already get the job done for. Shows how youll be of advantage to the employer. The exception might be a high-level or niche position thats tough to fill, in which case hiring managers are somewhat more open to scouring different markets to locate qualified talent. How to Get Started with What Is a Resume Cover Letter? Although there are lots of techniques to compose a cover letter, the next format has worked well for students previously. You can watch the complete cover letter at the next link. To assist you craft the very best cover letter, were supplying you with a few examples to examine. A cover letter of over 1 page will overwhelm the reader, causing them to miss important truth about your experience. Utilize your letter to show that you will do what it requires to break into your new field. Just be absolutely certain the statement is true for you, and youre fine. After you have schliffed the letter, dont forget to sign it. Waiting for a response can be difficult, particularly if youve crafted an attractive, thoughtful cover letter. More than every other job seeker, you are in need of a dynamic cover letter to prove how you would lead to an employer. If the cover letter doesnt demonstrate the employer a top rate employee, they may choose to go with a different applicant. You CANNOT use exactly the same exact exact same cover letter to apply for each and every job. Its critical that you customize each cover letter to the job which you are applying. Meeting and working with your dream company before it can hire you is a wonderful means to prove yourself. Dont forget, you should target the requirements of the pro vider not your own. Before you commence writing, find out more regarding the business and the particular job you desire. The company that you are applying you need to know each and everything for that and always attempt to hunt for the problem which company are facing in the marketplace and attempt to solve it by your abilities and abilities of work which is among the most impressive approach to develop decent impression. What Is a Resume Cover Letter Fundamentals Explained If youre using the typical application, send the cover letter at the identical time that you finish the application or a couple of days before. A good example cover letter that you may use as a template for developing your private cover letter. A cover letter is a document thats sent alongside your resume as part of your job application. Your sample cover letter resumes canreklonecco is just one of the most significant parts of your job application. What Is a Resume Cover Letter Can Be Fun for Everyone Make pre-research concerning the position and business ahead of time and have the enough information for both organization and position during the time that you are preparing a cover letter. Determine the reasons youre applying for that position along with the firm. You may want to state which you will speak to the employer in two or three weeks to follow-up and actually do so. The experience section is going to be divided based on the different positions youve held.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

15 Companies With Great Childcare Benefits for Working Parents

15 Companies With Great Childcare Benefits for Working Parents Offering good childcare benefits is one of the top ways employers can combat the pay gap, but its also simply good for business studies have shown that offering childcare benefits can reduce absenteeism by as much as 30%, and turnover by up to 60%.Although not all companies can live up to the childcare perks (like multiple onsite daycare facilities) offered by tech juggernauts like Google and Apple, there are other childcare-related benefits that make a big difference for all working parents. And especially moms, who tend to bear the brunt of childcare responsibilities. From generous paid parental leave (well be doing a dedicated post on that soon), gradual returns to work, paid time off to take care of sick children, and childcare benefits like backup daycare and flexible spending accounts, theres a lot that employers can do to help ease the burden of childcare expectations placed on women.Check out the benefits these 15 companies offer to support working parents childcare needs -- and to help ensure that women dont have to choose between their careers and their children Dow Jones Onsite DaycareBonus Points Dow Jones also offers a return-to-work program for anyone who has been out of the workforce for two years because of childcare, family care, or other life events.View Dow Jones open roles additional benefits. --- Intuit Call for backup care when you need it Dependent Care FSA, Backup Care, MoreBonus Points Intuit offers a return-to-work program and flexible work arrangements. And college admissions coaches for your childrenView Intuits open roles additional benefits. --- Microsoft Special Discounts on Childcare Subsidized Backup CareVi ew Microsofts open roles additional benefits.--- Expedia Group Work from home when you need to Dependent Care ChildcareBonus Points Work from home + reduced/flexible hours.View Expedia Groups open roles additional benefits.--- Fidelity Backup Dependent Care Dependent Care Flexible Spending AccountView Fidelitys open roles additional benefits.--- FTI Consulting Dependent Care Flexible Spending AccountView FTI Consultings open roles additional benefits. --- Mastercard Family Care ResourcesView Mastercards open roles additional benefits. --- New York Life Backu p Childcare Dependent Care Flexible Spending AccountView New York Lifes open roles additional benefits. --- Bloomberg Dependent Care Flexible Spending AccountView Bloombergs open roles additional benefits. --- Yelp Picture From Bright Horizons Daycare Bright Horizons DaycareView Yelps open roles additional benefits.--- PwC Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account, Backup Childcare Centers, Helping Parents Find the Right NannyBonus Points Family and individual sick days.View PwCs open roles additional benefits. --- Raytheon Adjust your schedule so you have time for morning drop-off Dependent Care Reimbursement AccountBonus Poi nts Flexible schedules.View Raytheons open roles additional benefits. --- T Rowe Price Dependent Care Spending Accounts Childcare Backup SupportView T Rowe Prices open roles additional benefits. --- Thales Dependent Care Flexible Spending Reimbursement AccountView Thales open roles additional benefits. --- Wells Fargo Parental and Critical Caregiving LeavesView Wells Fargos open roles additional benefits. ---What childcare benefits mean the fruchtwein to you? Let us know powertofly.From Your Site Articles Why Childcare Benefits Matter - PowerToFly Blog Aki Merced

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Different Types of Consultants and 5 In-Demand Areas

Different Types of Consultants and 5 In-Demand AreasDifferent Types of Consultants and 5 In-Demand AreasFinancial consultants are in great demand these days. CFOs in virtually every industry outsource work to all types of consultants who can help them make crucial decisions, spruce up wertzuwachs, inject fresh energy and steer their companies toward more profitable futures.If youre an intrepid current or aspiring financial consultant, youll likely find a sortiment of opportunities at your disposal, including the following in-demand areas.1. Finance and accountingRobert Half Management Resources polled more than 900 CFOs to gauge where they were most likely to assign financial consultants and interim managers in the coming year. Of the total, 57 percent said they would turn to the types of consultants who can optimize their finance and accounting projects.As a consultant in this area, youll be asked to lend your expertise to forecasts, analysis, budgets and reporting. If you like wear ing multiple hats, adapt quickly and can assert your opinions, this type of job could be right up your alley.2. Business systems and performance improvementAlmost half (48 percent) of the CFOs surveyed by Robert Half Management Resources said they would rely on consultants to guide them in implementing geschftsleben systems and handling conversion and integration. Assistance with process and performance improvement is a key need for many small businesses looking to fix existing problems, head off potential dangers and make sure the business is best positioned for growth.Speed and problem-solving skills are the name of this game. If you enjoy challenges and innovation, you could find this area quite satisfying. Relationship management and patience will be a critical skill, as you help managers and staff switch to and learn new systems.3. TaxationTaxation is the nemesis of many overworked CFOs. Its hardly surprising that 42 percent of CFOs polled by Robert Half Management Resources wo uld gladly rely on the types of consultants that handle this area. Your consulting services could range from putting out (or preventing) seasonal fires to overhauling a companys entire tax approach.Saving the company money can earn you kudos, monetarily and otherwise, and youll likely also be valued for guiding teams and managers on how to apply smarter procedures.4. Governance, risk and compliance (GRC)The only sure thing about regulations is that they constantly evolve, as financial executives know all too well. Four in 10 in the Robert Half Management Resources survey said they were likely to bring in interim managers in the next 12 months to offer essential advice on how to integrate or update their GRC programs.As regulations shift and tighten and accountancy practices come under greater scrutiny, managing the changes while reducing compliance costs is a must. Thats where you, as one of these types of consultants, come in. Youll likely be asked how to optimize risk-return outco mes, improve business performance and help reduce personnel time and costs.5. Finance optimizationThirty-six percent of CFOs surveyed by Robert Half Management Resources plan to call on consultants to streamline their financial cycle. Your know-how could be vital to reducing error rates and saving a firm processing time and costs.Youll be asked to help implement standards and tighten up business unit functions so that the ship runs more smoothly, with less need for rework. The organization may also want your opinions on remediation, financial restatement, mergers and acquisitions, and even the CFOs role.Learning moreWhether youre seeking a change of pace or yearning for a complete career switch, learning about the various types of consultants is a great first step to figuring out where you can best apply your talents and skills.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Job Application Process for Administrative Law Judge Openings Requires 13 Written Narratives

New Job Application Process for Administrative Law Judge Openings Requires 13 Written NarrativesNew Job Application Process for Administrative Law Judge Openings Requires 13 Written NarrativesNew Job Application Process for Administrative Law Judge Openings Requires 13 Written NarrativesBREAKING NEWS Congratulations, if you are invited to the Online Component. We recommend our ALJ Writing Guide to review the 13 ALJ Competencies We also recommend our Structured Interview practice if you are invited to the Structured Interview component of the ALJ Examination.The federal government has added requirements to the process of applying for Administrative Law Judge positions. The initial application period for attorneys of these sought-after jobs closes on March 15, 2013.The federal government has taken many would-be Administrative Law Judges by surprise, by requiring additional written narrative responses to the already demanding process of applying for these rare and highly competitive ope nings, says Kathryn Troutman, founder and president of The Resume Place.There are major differences between the old 2009 application process for Administrative Law Judge and the current application, which is open only through March 15, Troutman says. When ALJ openings were last posted and that was four years ago applicants had to be prepared to write six narrative responses oncompetencies required for a job. Now seven additional narratives are required.The ALJ positions are open to applications only from March 5 to March 15, 2013, for licensed attorneys with at least 7 years of full-time administrative law or litigation experience. Scores of these jobs are available in several federal agencies in many states. In 2009, the Office of Personnel Management stopped taking applications afterjust 30 hours this year, because initial applications will be accepted over the full 11-day period announced, competition likely will be even more keen.Whether or notlage a candidate has previously a pplied for an ALJ position, it is important to read the new announcement carefully. In 2009, applications for ALJ opening were required to write narrative responses on these competenciesdecision-makinginterpersonal skillsjudicial analysisjudicial managementoral communicationwritingTo those half-dozen competencies requiring narratives, seven have been addedjudicial decisivenessjudicial temperamentlitigation and courtroom competenceproblem solvingprofessionalismreasoningself-managementThe Experience Assessment section of the Online Component of the ALJ exam includes multiple-choice and open-ended questions about work experience, related to the qualities sought in an ALJ regardless of hiring agency. Qualified applicants will be invited to answer a multiple-choice questionnaire and provide a narrative response describing an example which illustrates their skills and experience with regard to the targeted competency.No definitions for any of these competencies are provided in the new ann ouncement, and the length of applicants responses has not been specified. Nevertheless, it is essential to have representative narratives prepared in advance.The ALJ Writing Guide, written specifically for applicants for these Administrative Law Judge positions, is available from The Resume Place. All purchasers of this eBook will receive a free update detailing the new requirements, as soon as the details of the changes can be confirmed.

Why Employer Branding Matters Now More than Ever

Why Employer Branding Matters Now More than Ever Why Employer Branding Matters Now More than Ever Why Employer Branding Matters Now More than Ever Kelleher author of LOUDER THAN WORDS: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps That Drive Results About a year ago, I was asked to work with a retail client (“Company X”) who was struggling to increase employee engagement  during these volatile economic times (then again, who isn’t!) A 3-day meeting was scheduled to address the issue, which first focused on operations. I was fascinated with Company X’s diligence and science in understanding their customer demographics and buying patterns. They utilize external research consultants, video cameras, focus groups, internal research, customer interviews, etc. to better understand who their customers are and what they’re buying. They understand when customers buy what they buy, and when they stop buying. After two days with this team, I was impressed! “This company gets it” I concluded. As we kicked off day three, the leadership team presented their employee engagement challenges. Their employees (“associates,” as they called them) appeared disengaged; surprisingly, in this economy, voluntary employee turnover was alarmingly high. When I asked the leaders why they work for Company X, they stumbled. When I asked why associates stay, they weren’t sure. When I asked about their employer brand  they admitted they didn’t really know. So, here we have a company that was spending a lot of time and money to better understand their customers, but had no idea who their employees were? If this story sounds familiar to you… on! Understanding your Employees as Customers I often tell employers, “You don’t have an employee engagement issue. You have a hiring issue.” Quite simply, they don’t understand who their employees are, who excels at their firms, and how they can hire the best people. Let’s contrast Company X with The Timberland Company - a company known primarily for making and selling boots. I got to know The Timberland Company when conducting research for my book Louder Than Words, 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps…that Drive Results!   Unlike the retail chain Company X, The Timberland Company has high levels of employee engagement, a best-in-class 8% voluntary turnover among their store associates and is very profitable. What is Timberland doing different? They truly understand their brand, the behaviors and traits of people who excel at The Timberland Company and the people they should be hiring.   Timberland is a “purpose” company that’s focused on corporate social sustainability, supporting volunteer efforts; they believe their company has a bigger purpose than just making money. Consequently, Timberland hires store associates who possess the same behaviors and traits as their brand. They also understand the importance of linking product and employment brand. For instance, even part-time Timberland store associates are given time off with pay to volunteer to work for the local homeless shelter or to build homes for Habitat for Humanity. Tri-Branding your Company Brand When I work with new clients, the first thing I do is to help them define their company brand with these questions: Why do people stay with your company? Why do people want to work for your company? Who are your stars; what are the common behaviors and traits that your stars possess? I often ask them a simple question: What do BMW, Apple, and Southwest Airlines have in common? They are all exceptional at linking employment and product brand. Apple hires the most creative people to make the most creative products.  BMW hires people who are driving enthusiasts to build the ultimate driving machine. Southwest Airlines hires people who have “fun” in their DNA. These three companies also excel at a practice I call tri-branding. In addition to linking both product and employment brand, they also get their customers to sing their praises or live their brand. For instance, I’m a Droid user, and I continue to be surprised at the number of iPhone friends who take delight at “trumping” my Droid apps with their own Apple apps. They’re actually living the Apple brand. So, Who Should You Be Hiring? To help leadership teams better understand who they should be hiring, we define the common attributes of the top 10% of their workforce and/or pinpoint common attributes of their most engaged employees. This simple exercise is often the first step in helping a firm identify their employment brand. It uncovers a common set of value-based behaviors and traits  at their firms - traits that are often overlooked in the hiring process. I’ve often been shocked at the emphasis placed on education and skills, and not nearly enough on understanding the behaviors and traits that an organization treasures. The most engaged employees are engaged because they happen to possess behaviors and traits the firm values. Understanding who they are within an organization is the first step in understanding and building your employment brand. Next: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps that Drive Results Author Bio: Bob Kelleher is the author of the critically acclaimed book, Louder Than Words â€" 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps …that Drive Results!    and is an award winning speaker and consultant.   Bob is also the CEO of The Employee Engagement Group,  a leader in providing proven and practical services and tools to leadership teams across the globe to help them better engage their employees and drive profitable growth.